Tips For Taking Better Selfies

Happy asian woman taking a selfie
Selfies are very hard to take for SOME people. But here’s a few tips on how to make some of those selfies better.

1.  Keep your phone at arm’s length, but don’t strain.  Obviously you should stretch out your arm far enough to get the phone away from your face, so that it doesn’t distort your features.  But not SO far that you have to strain to hold it while you’re getting the shot.

2.  Ask someone to help.  We’ve never heard this one before, but it’s okay to ask the OTHER person to help steady the camera.  Like if there are only two or three of you. It sounds like it goes against the idea of a selfie, but if you can pull it off without looking like two people are involved, the photo ends up looking better . . . less straining, more steady.

3.  Choose your background wisely.  Don’t pose in front of something like a branch, that’ll look like it’s coming out of your head . . . watch out for photobombers . . . and in famous settings, move to the side so you get the scenery too.

4.  Actually look at the camera.  You don’t want a shot of the inside of your nose, or your forehead looking huge.

Source: CNN
