Biggest Dating Profile Blunders Men Make

Ready for love in the new year? Dating apps are one of the quicker ways to find love but it seems that men strike out when it comes to meeting someone.
Speaking to female dating app users teaches you a lot about male dating-app users. The most common theme is that, by and large, men are not particularly good at selling themselves on a dating profile, either on apps or online—which means they never get a chance to impress upon potential dates their sparkling with and vibrant personality in real-time messages. Maybe it’s carelessness, or maybe the inability to put themselves in the shoes of the person who’ll be putting them into the “yes” or “no” pile with a split-second decision.
Regardless, the following mistakes will make anyone swipe left quick.
1 Using vague photos.

What constitutes bad is obviously subjective, but in this context “bad” can mean any photo that doesn’t clearly show your face. Whether we like it or not, if a person doesn’t like your mug, chances are slim that they’re going to read on to discover what a rich and interesting character you are. Put your best foot forward and select a profile picture that is focused, well-lit, not overly doctored, and most importantly, sort of how you look.

2. Using a picture that isn’t even you.

You’d think that this one goes without being said, but a significant percentage of dating-app users lead with a picture of someone or something other than themselves. A picture of anything or anyone besides you is likely to result in the schwiftiest of left-swipes.

These are a good starting point but here at 10 more reasons from; click here.
